The Metaverse opens its doors | Sunday Tech Revue

The Metaverse opens its doors. At least Meta’s (ex Facebook) Metaverse called Horizon Worlds, and only if you live in the US.

And with that, dear readers, I would like to welcome you to this Sunday’s weekly review. It’s mid-December, the third of Advent, and here in Central Europe it’s cold, dark, and at the same time very cozy.

So what exciting things happened this week? Quite a lot.

Metas Metaverse opens its doors in the US

On Thursday, Meta announced free access to Horizon Worlds. Currently limited to the USA and Canada and from the age of 18+.

On the one hand, there is a 3 vs 3 laser tag game to start with. Furthermore, there are templates for those interested in creating their own games or environments.

What does the whole thing look like? Take a look at the video:

More Metaverse Action

But these were by no means the only exciting news in the context of the metaverse. Here from the hardware front, which is especially important, as I show here.

But these were by no means the only exciting news in the context of the metaverse. Sony, for example, presented a new VR headset with 8k resolution at its Technology Days. Applications to start with are industrial or medical scenarios.

According to its own statements, with an overwhelming sense of reality. But see for yourself:

But that’s not all. Bill Gates predicted this week that in 2-3 years the majority of office meetings will take place in the metaverse.

When Gates speaks, the entire tech industry still listens. The statement also certainly fits Microsoft’s Mixed Reality strategy and the current transformation of Microsoft Teams.

Other Notable News

  • Industrial Metaverse: What is the Industrial Metaverse? asks Fabian Schmidt in a recent article and tries to give some ideas. Recommended read!
  • Crypto: Following the recent announcements on Assembly and Shimmer, it has now been announced that various Asian VC firms are funding the development around Assembly with €100 million. IOTA Assembly is seen as a major competitor to Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Cloud: A massive outage of US-EAST-1 caused disruptions worldwide. A related joke on Twitter caught a lot attention:
  • Quantum Computing: Researchers at the Berkeley Lab have shown that randomized compilation (RC), can dramatically reduce error rates in quantum algorithms. At the same time, it leads to more accurate and stable quantum computations. A breakthrough? Remains to be seen.
  • Autonomous Cars: Daimler is the first company to receive a Level 3 approval for the German Autobahn

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