Hello, I’m Fabian Schmidt, the founder of Homo Digitalis.
I have an extensive background in IT and manufacturing technology. Currently, I work as Head of Digital Manufacturing for a leading sensor company.
I’m an inventor and have filed patents for Cross Machine Data Analytics and Dynamic Sensor Parametrization.
I’m recognized as Top 100 Industrie 4.0 / IIoT Influencer as well as a Top 150 Influencer on Environmental Sustainability.
Homo Digitalis is a blog and micro-enterprise, offering services around influencer marketing, consulting and content marketing with a focus on IT, IoT and IIoT.
I also recently added Amazon Affliates to show interesting products, if suitable. If you are interested in one of those products and purchase them through the provided link on Homo Digitalis, I receive a small commission so that you directly support my work.
From time to time I do content marketing for clients like Adobe, IBM, VMWare, Lenovo, Kingston and Ness Digital Engineering. I will mark the articles accordingly with the flag “Ad”, so that you can distinguish them.
Homo Digitalis is on Twitter and LinkedIn . Reach us via mail with fs @ homo – digitalis . net
Personally, I’m also active on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook as well.
Some of the content is sponsored/paid by Industry leaders, what I will state accordingly. Nevertheless this blog aims to share knowledge and experience, so that wisdom grows in all of us.
Contributors are always welcome, if you also like to share your valuable insights.
Furthermore, I’m always happy to engage with you and like to hear about your opinion on the content here. Meet me in the comment section or on Twitter.
I’m looking forward to it.