Benefits of Mixed Reality – A Case Study

Currently, the benefits of Mixed Reality are hotly debated. Once again, the announcement of a new VR device from the unloved company Meta Inc. has made waves.

We are talking about the Meta Quest Pro, which will be released this fall. To this end, I recently shared a video on Twitter by Renji Bijoy that went viral as a result:

I received quite a bit of feedback on the video, both positive and negative. Now, I would like to give a brief overview of where users see added value and where not.

In the video, Renji can be seen at his workstation swiping the Meta Quest Pro on and off several times. You can see how his current environment merges with digital elements, such as three screens that he can arrange as he wishes. In very simplified terms, this is Mixed Reality.

Opinion of the Audience

To be honest, I was expecting a lot more negative reactions from the Twitter community.

But even the negative criticism was quite comprehensible and understandable. The high price of the device was mentioned the most.

Furthermore, many cannot imagine reading emails or develop software with a VR headset.

Software developers in particular like to work on several screens and there were a few positive voices – provided that the virtual screens have at least the same quality as real monitors.

One big issue that has been raised again and again is also crucial from my point of view: ergonomics. Users are mainly concerned about their eyes and neck. Especially the latter is certainly not negligible with a weight of 0.7 kg for the Meta Quest Pro.

Benefits of Mixed Reality

So what are the benefits of mixed reality now, as will soon be possible with the Meta Quest Pro?

We just had it from that, some users highlighted that they can create as many screens as they want, with the advantage that you can’t shoulder surf them. In addition, many emphasize that it can allow for a newer and nicer form of remote work, where people get together to work in a nice environment.

For me, however, these are not killer use cases. The true value of mixed reality lies beyond the transfer of normal office applications “as they are” into the new world. Only when the advantages of the technology can be used specifically to work more efficiently do we talk about a true benefit.

In that context, for example, one designer said he thought it would be a big leap forward to be able to use (3D) modeling applications like Maya or Autodesk native – with your hands instead a keyboard.

This is going into the right direction for me. As I pointed out in this article, I see much more potential for Mixed Reality besides typical office applications. Think of training or assistance of unskilled workers in factories. Think of troubleshooting complex machines with remote experts.

What is your favorite use case or benefit of Mixed Reality? Let me know here in the comments or on Twitter.

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